Sunday, January 5, 2014

The unit deployed telephony in recent times, uc which provides users with Tim Lux with voice commun

The unit deployed telephony in recent times, uc which provides users with Tim Lux with voice communications. Now you can arrange PBX (Automatic Telephone Central) to deal with phone calls, internal and external. It is easy and convenient, also works with other features Tim Lux. You will be able to implement intelligent calls, add a list of interactive audio or audio conference arranged uc safe with a limited number of participants. Tim Deluxe supports all of these and other functions for the systems IP PBX companies.
You do not need much to take full advantage of telephony Tim Lux. You do not need special knowledge uc in the field of information technology uc and telecommunications to arrange your PBX. You just need to take some time to prepare a simple module Telephony Server uc Tim Lux. After that, any user of this system will be able to make and receive phone calls without any additional configuration in the workplace.
Internal voice communications will be available immediately after the implementation of the module for telephone communications. Members of the company will be able to use instant messenger companies Kmonakatur Tim Lux. To call a colleague, just hover your mouse over his / her picture or a name and click the button "call" pop. This is convenient, safe and free, such as sending and getting messages by conversation. Are the things users need only to voice communications convenient speakers / headphones or USB phone, as is the case in Skype.
<a0> IP telephony provider should be selected to receive and make calls in foreign settings Telephony Tim Lux. You can contact your current uc phones or select a new one from the list (Sabenit, Aibasis, Aanfonieks, Skype contact etc..). Almost any service provider uc Voice over IP can be linked to Tim Lux telephone lines thanks to the support of the SIP protocol and codec ulaw / altitude G711. You can also work across multiple telephony providers, if necessary. In some cases, that help improve the cost of local calls and international long distance and reduce the risk of failure of communication.
After that has been linked communications provider IP telephony to Tim Deluxe, you can configure rules for incoming / outgoing calls, add a list of interactive audio and enable intelligent call forwarding. This is the optional telephony capabilities and they may not be used in small businesses. uc However, we recommend that you apply these functions. They will simplify and expedite the processing of calls. As a result, will increase the productivity of your employees and you will impress customers uc with the order of the excellent work in your office. In addition, remote employees will be able to receive calls referred to it and always be in touch.
In addition to the group of standard phone functions, the implementation has been another useful feature in Tim Lux. Secure audio conferencing with an unlimited number of participants can be carried out via the unit telephony. All users of the rules of procedure and teleworkers can be connected to the conference via a mobile phone fixed number. This feature is very useful, for example, for joint decisions with colleagues from different offices. Needless to say, that you can save on travel costs and time to work in this case. Telephony Tim Lux provides minimum price of phone calls and secure connections at the highest level. uc Interest
Since "Tim Lux" IP PBX - works by IP telephony, you can get all the benefits of this technology. First, dial VoIP will provide you with low-cost external calls and a wide range of VoIP - services of any provider telephony. In this case, the cost will be reduced to zero internal calls, and will reduce the cost of those foreign.
Secondly, it will reduce the costs of telecommunications infrastructure to a large extent, as a whole what is necessary for voice communication is access to the Internet (via port 443 and https protocol). In other words, you can simply register in the system Tim Lux for all the possibilities of the telephone lines and companies.
Thirdly, you can simplify communications companies and get a big subsidy, as it does not have to configure the phone lines for each user and network configuration for each place of business. You will not experience any expenses for additional software or equipment telecommunications or lease telephone lines. With Tim Lux telemarketers can adapt to change business processes quickly and provide employees with secure voice communications, regardless of where they are.
The management companies will provide IP telephony by Tim Lux your business with additional benefits. You will not have to pay for a server license and obtain a license for each employee. It will be expensive to install, configure uc and train users to work with telephone lines Tim Lux minimum. It should be noted that the system for Tim Lux contain other modules to automate the business in addition to phone calls. For example, System Tools Cooperation (aggregates), and customer relationship uc management (CRM). Can improve and expedite the process of providing services to customers.
Moreover, the current uc functionality of the unit telephony (IP-PBX) only a starting point in the development of voice communications Tim Lux. It will gradually expand the capabilities of telecommunications companies in line with the global trends in the field of telephony. Are the key points for the development of deep integration Tim Lux telephone communications with other modules of the system and implement your wishes. Conclusion uc
Tim Lux cooperation use software to automate voice communications companies quick and easy. With "Tim uc Lux" the proprietary PBX

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