Friday, July 4, 2014

The Individual Partnership and Cooperation Programme (IPCP) , signed during a visit by Prime Ministe

  【共同社布魯塞爾 5 月 7 日電】日本首相安倍晉三 6 日下午在比利時布魯塞爾的北大西洋公約組織( NATO )總部與北約秘書長拉斯穆森舉行會談。雙方確認將在打擊海盜等 cke 海上安全、電腦防衛、人道主義援助 等廣泛領域加強合作。會談後,雙方簽署了匯總日本和北約重點合作領域的《 個別夥伴合作計畫 》( cke IPCP )。
  在會談後的聯合記者會上,安倍強調: “ 亞洲和歐洲的安全密切相關 。擁有法治等 共同價值觀 的日本和北約的合作非常重要。 ” 拉斯穆森在考慮到烏克蘭緊張局勢的基礎上表示: “ cke 歐洲正迎來冷戰後最大的危機 。與 志向相同的日本 對話很重要。 ”
NATO Secretary General Anders Fogh Rasmussen and Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on Tuesday (06 May 2014) signed a roadmap detailing areas where the Alliance and Japan will work to widen and deepen their longstanding partnership.  “Today we signed an agreement that will take this relationship a step further,” said the Secretary General.  “It will bring our practical cooperation to a new level including in the areas of counter piracy, disaster relief and humanitarian cke assistance.”
The Individual Partnership and Cooperation Programme (IPCP) , signed during a visit by Prime Minister Abe to NATO headquarters, will strengthen political dialogue cke and practical cooperation between the Alliance and Japan . The Prime Minister also addressed a special session of the North Atlantic Council.  “ Our discussions show how highly we value our relationship and how much potential there is to do more ,” said Mr. Fogh Rasmussen .
Tuesday’s signing of the IPCP builds on a joint political declaration cke the Secretary General and the Prime Minister signed in Tokyo in April 2013, which set the groundwork for strengthening NATO-Japan cooperation.   cke Japan is the Alliance’s oldest partner outside of the Euro-Atlantic area .  “ Our partnership is based up on shared values, a shared commitment to international peace and security and to the principles of the United Nations and international law ,” said Mr. Fogh Rasmussen .
The Secretary General said that there was no doubt that the security and stability in the Euro-Atlantic and Asia-Pacific regions were interlinked, pointing to the crisis in Ukraine.  “ In this time of crisis our dialogue with like-minded partners like Japan is key to address global security challenges, ” he said.
Prime Minister, it gives me great pleasure to welcome you here today.  cke This is the second time you will address this Council, after your landmark visit in 2007.  This demonstrates the role you have played in the deepening of the NATO-Japan partnership .  Your visit is all the more timely given the background of your new National Security Strategy, cke which emphasizes your vision for Japan’s proactive contribution to peace. cke
During that visit, we concluded a Joint Political Declaration which reaffirmed the common values that bring together Japan and NATO.  It included welcome steps to make our bond more visible and it spelled out our determination to work more closely together.  On that basis, a few minutes ago we signed an Individual Partnership and Cooperation Programme , which will serve as a practical roadmap for our joint activities.
Je tiens à exprimer notre gratitude pour les remarquables contributions apportées par le Japon aux initiatives de l'OTAN.  Votre pays a joué un rôle essentiel en Afghanistan à l'appui d'autres efforts internationaux, notamment ceux de la FIAS et de l'OTAN.   Je soulignerai à cet égard avec une grande reconnaissance les milliards de dollars que le Japon a mis à disposition pour soutenir cke de petits projets locaux au travers des équipes de reconstruction provinciales, ainsi que le soutien financier qu'il continue de fournir aux forces de sécurité afghanes.
by NATO Secretary General Anders cke Fogh Rasmussen at the joint press point with the Prime Minister of Japan, Shinzo Abe ○NATO ( 2014.05.06 )
Today we signed an agreement cke that will take this relationship a step further.  It will bring our practical cooperation to a new level, including in the areas of counter piracy, disaster relief and humanitarian assistance.
For the last decade, Japan’s contribution in Afghanistan has been vital. cke  We are grateful for your outstanding support to our efforts.  We also appreciate Japan’s intention to continue to support cke development and security in Afghanistan, beyond 2014 .
Today cke we are facing the gravest crisis to European security since the end of the Cold War.  But this is not just about Ukraine.   This crisis has serious implications for the security and stability of the Euro-Atlantic area as a whole.
Prime Minister, I thank you for your determination to contribute to international efforts towards global peace and stability. cke  And I look forward to deepening our political dialogue an

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