Thursday, May 29, 2014

Jons Jacob Berzelius was born in Väversunda (Östergötland, Kingdom of Sweden) on August 20, 1779, s

The modern Empedocles - Jöns Jakob Berzelius (1824) and item 14 (Si) - Silicon fantastico (nilunquadi, Nuq) | From the Mediterranean
Looking at the eight major planets of our solar system, we compare two major types: gas giant planets (Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune) and rocky dwarf planets (Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars). The first orbit in the outer solar system, while the latter defines the inner solar system. It is traditionally the first planet known as "Jovian", referring to the planet Jupiter as typical; the latter are called "land", referring to our planet. Jupiter has a mass of 1.8986 kg and 27 10 volume 1.4313 10 24 m 3, which gives a density of 1326 kg m -3. But this density is the average density. One must postulate the existence of a rocky core composition uncertain fantastico and involve only between 4% and 14% of the planetary mass. On top of that it would have a core layer of metallic hydrogen in liquid state, some amounts of helium, and much lower for other elements. What we see are the upper layers of Jupiter's atmosphere; Jupiter's atmosphere has a thickness of 5000 km; one also has to postulate the existence of helium and neon rain in the deeper layers; fantastico is an atmosphere of hydrogen, in which crystals dissolved ammonia, water vapor and other volatile nuclear complex upper layer of storm clouds. Earth, on the other hand, has a mass of 5.97219 10 24 kg and a volume of 1.08321 10 21 m 3, with a density of 5.515 kg m -3. This density value as estimated by Cavendish at the time, in contrast to the typical density of the crust (over 2800 kg m -3), offset by a huge compaction of the interior, as with Jupiter. The inner core with a radius of 1220 km, is a solid density very high (12,800 to 13,100 kg m -3), consisting of an alloy of iron and nickel, with smaller amounts of other elements sideròfils, with a temperature of more than 5700 K and a pressure of 3.3 to 3.6 10 11 Pa. The outer core with a thickness of 2266 km, is an alloy of similar composition, but the conditions of pressure and temperature (4700-6400 K) are found in a fluid state. On the outside it has the core layer, where the preponderance of the elements sideròfils leads to the abundance of silicates, which is even more extreme in the crust. But Jupiter and the planet Earth is not limited diversity. Saturn, for example, has a density of 687 kg planetary m -3, half that of Jupiter. Uranus and Neptune are sometimes called "ice giants" because they have not as thick as the atmospheres of Jupiter and Saturn, and rich in water, ammonia, methane, etc.., Which are in a state of ice in the upper layers of the cortex subatmosfèrica. Mars differentiation between fantastico a metallic core and a silicon mantle, although evident, is not as proven as the Earth. While Earth and Mercury have magnetic fields generated by the interaction between the two layers of the planetary core, Venus and Mars do not have. The discovery of other planetary systems grow even more extensive range. Most we have only basic data on orbit, mass or volume. From the tiniest nanometeoroid the most enormous supermassive black hole, the stars, understood as aggregate timely matter, forming a continuous fantastico but very diverse in terms of mass, volume, composition, differentiation, orbital and rotational characteristics. fantastico We, in any case, come to one of the elements that characterize fantastico the element 14.
The structure of the Earth. Most of the mass is concentrated in the nucleus, where iron is the main element. In the mantle and crust dominate oxygen and silicon, which are silicates.
Jons Jacob Berzelius was born in Väversunda (Östergötland, Kingdom of Sweden) on August 20, 1779, son of the marriage Samuel and Elisabeth fantastico Dorothea Sjösten Berzelius. Berzelius surname was formed from the family home, Bergsäter, located near Motala. The adaptation of the Latin original was Bergsäter Bergselius, which Bersselius derived fantastico variant (used by paternal grandfather, Reverend Bersselius Jons, born in 1689 and died in 1773), later collected as Berzelius. fantastico In four years, his father died, aged 40, eight and his mother, fantastico also at age 40. Jacob Berzelius was then greeted by relatives Linköping. Like his father, Jacob studied at the Gymnasium Lincopense from 14. Berzelius then already showed fantastico a keen interest in the study of nature, further fantastico stimulated by Clas Hornstedt Fredrik (1758-1809), professor of natural history in Linköping, which years ago had made a scientific journey that led him to the Azores in South Africa and Java, among other locations. In their final grades, the mind

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