Monday, April 28, 2014

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It is a complex and vital task occurs in plants, algae, bacteria, blue-green algae is where the solar photovoltaic energy conversion of electromagnetic energy in the form of photons of sunlight into chemical energy stored in glucose links.
3 - Maintaining the stability of the proportion of oxygen spanish to english and carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, the process of photosynthesis, the process of the divine in the balance of gases in the Earth's atmosphere, especially with respect to gaseous carbon dioxide and oxygen, which takes the plant from the soil water, and here begins the process spanish to english of photosynthesis which degrades water by photons spanish to english absorbed by the receptors Green degrades to a molecule of oxygen put into the air and two molecules hydrogen Temtsa by the plant, as it contributes three molecules Hdrgen + molecule of carbon absorbed from the air in the formation of a molecule ATP are burning, consumption or storage in the form of starch, and thus the trade-invasive working to bring about a balance with respect to gases CO2 & O2.
Phase I: photochemical reactions (you need to light): is the absorption spanish to english of light energy mediated by a molecule of chlorophyll and converted to chemical energy stored temporarily in the energy-rich molecules, and these interactions include spanish to english two types of interactions annular or annular.
** Photochemical reactions ringed as follows: - named after these interactions Balhalqah irritating because the electrons in the optical system spanish to english by the first optical power dating back to the reaction spanish to english center, which launched him through a series of electron transfer resulting from these interactions ATP only.
Acyclic ** photochemical reactions: - There are two systems to absorb light energy in chloroplasts first optical system absorbs light waves along the (700) nm system spanish to english photosystem II absorbs light waves along the (680) nm.
1 - absorbs the chlorophyll molecules in the optical system first light waves along the (700) nm and transmitted to the reaction center, spanish to english leading to the release of electrons irritant (energy-rich) and has been happening for electrons. spanish to english
3 - electrons irritant and has been losing the second optical system moves mediated electron transport chain to the first optical system to compensate for the lost electrons Note: During the transfer of electrons between the first and second order in the electron transport chain is building molecules ATP.
Phase II: interactions Alladoih: - these interactions occur in the area of meat (Alstroma) the presence of enzymes and materials for the occurrence of these reactions require the presence of ATP, NADPH resulting from photochemical reactions
4 - to rebuild three molecules of ATP pass five molecules of PGAL in a series of interactions necessary 3 ATP molecules Rbeuluz bi-phosphate, allowing continuously loop Calvin is a final product of the Calvin cycle and is used in the construction of other organic materials from PGAL.
6CO 2 + 6H 2 O + light + chloroplasts = C 6 H 12 O 6 + 6O 2
C6H2C6 +2 O2 +2 H2O = 6CO2 +12 H2O +2860 kj
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Minister of Education Dr Muhammad Dhunaibat on Tuesday, the names of 94 teachers from the candidates for appointment to the ministry, from different spanish to english specialization ...
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