Monday, April 27, 2015

According Hifni, what is stated in the title already indicates upsc dimpimpinnya institution does n

Potential sanctions Permenpora discharge of IOC | Mind Online
JAKARTA (AFP) .- Indonesian Olympic Committee (KOI) menyeluarkan their official stance related to the publication upsc of Regulation (Candy) Youth and Sports No.006 / 2014. They propose improvements to the government that the candy does not conflict with the Olympic upsc charter and Law SKN ,
According Hifni, of pendalam made small team formed by the meeting of the Executive Committee of KOI, found there are some that are considered not in accordance with the Olympic Charter and SKN Law No.3 / 2005, which has been the basis of them.
It also ensures that they are ready for whatever decision upsc the IOC dropped to Indonesia. Be it in the form of a stern warning to the government, and until the fall of sanctions against Indonesia if it later occurred. upsc
"We are not in the capacity to determine the IOC diambul decisions related to the publication upsc of this candy and penggunnan five ring. So we will report this to the IOC, as KOI as the National Olympic Committee upsc (NOC) which is representative of the IOC and we will accept any decision whatsoever which later awarded the IOC, "he said.
In the Candy that has been set Menpora per 10 March, there are some things that are highlighted by the sharp by KOI, the first is from the title Candy Duties and Authority of the Operational Guidelines of the National Sports Committee and Duties upsc and Obligations of the Indonesian Olympic Committee.
According Hifni, what is stated in the title already indicates upsc dimpimpinnya institution does not have any authority, while in some ways related to the authority of KOI is considered to be clearly attached to the SKN Law.
Then, the second related to the contents of Chapter V which regulates coordination. upsc In Article 15 explained that KON coordination with the Parent Organisation Sports Branch in terms of management. While in chapter 16, KOI do not have such authority.
Hifni assess, in particular article 17, had violated the SKN Law and Government Regulation No. 16 and 17, where it mentions KOI only in coordination with the government and the parent organization in terms of preparation, financing contingent to the international multievent, determination of the CDM and budget.
"It upsc all certainly contrary to the SKN Law. Both are NGO and has ad / art respectively. Then in the determination of sports to international multieven, we should coordinate with the government, in this case Satlak Prima under Kemenpora. upsc Whereas in the implementation of PON, none of the articles in the Law asked KONI coordinate with KOI, "he upsc said.
Then in the candy article 18, that the provisions of AD / ART two institutions remain valid as long as not contrary to the provisions contained in candy. It was according to Hifni, regarded as one of the forms of government upsc intervention.
Previous chairman of the Committee Sports upsc for All, Ade Lukman said, it will directly coordinate further with the Menpora immediately. KOI party also says disappointment at the absence of their involvement in the preparation of such candy.
Ade admitted upsc that previously did not exist publication Peppermint socialization, even according to him, it only received sweets in the morning before a press conference in Kemenpora on March 20 last.
"We were supposed to be involved, because sebaga" primary stakeholders "sport Indonesia. We want the future there is coordination, because it is basically a policy was made to support the achievement," he added. (A-161 / A-89) ***
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