Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Sintaknya is half of the number of students to form a small circle facing nice matin outwards, the

Understanding Learning Model IOC Learning Model and Outer Circle in Inside-outside circle (IOC) is a learning model with a small loop system and a large circle (Spencer Kagan, 1993), where students share information at the same time with different partners with short and regularly.
Sintaknya is half of the number of students to form a small circle facing nice matin outwards, the other half in a big circle facing inwards, students who face sharing of information simultaneously, students who are in the outer rotating lingkran then share information nice matin to a friend (new) in front of him, and so on.
According to (Anita Lie, 2008: 65), IOC learning techniques are learning techniques developed by Spencer Kagan to provide opportunities for students to share information at the same time. This approach can be used in some subjects, such as: social science, religion, math, and language. Study materials are most suitable for use with the IOC this technique is material that requires exchange of ideas and information among students.
The advantages of learning techniques IOC is the existence of a clear structure and allows students to share with different pairs with short and regular. In addition, students work with fellow students in an atmosphere of mutual help and have many opportunities to process information and improving communication skills. The IOC technique can be used for all age levels of students. Steps Learning Model IOC
According nice matin to Spencer Kagan, there are five major steps in the implementation of the IOC's model, namely: The first step, half of the class stood in a small circle and facing out. The second nice matin step, the other half of the class in a circle outside the circle first and facing inwards. Step three, then two pairs of students from small and large circle sharing information. This information exchange can be done by all the pairs at the same time. The fourth step, the students who were in a small circle of silence in place, while the students who were in a large circle to shift one or two steps clockwise, so that each student gets a new partner. The last step, turn the students who are in the great circle of sharing information. And so on.
Anita Lie developing measures formulated Kagan. In development (Anita Lie, 2008: 66), students in the class is divided into two circles, the circle of individual and group circle. The explanation nice matin is as follows: a. Half Circle class individuals (or quarter if the number of students is too much) standing nice matin in a small circle. They stand in a circle and facing out. Half of the other classes in a circle outside the circle first. In other words, they stood facing inwards and paired with students who are in the inner circle. Two pairs of students from a small circle nice matin and a large circle of sharing information. Students who were in a small circle start. This information exchange can be done by all the pairs at the same time. Then, the students who were in a small circle of silence in place, while the students who were in a large circle to shift one or two steps in the direction of rotation clockwise. In this way, each student gets a new partner to share information. Now turn to the students who are in great circles that share information. And so on. b. Circle Group One group stood in a small circle facing outwards. The other group stand in a large circle. Rotating group as individual circles procedure described above and sharing. Advantages and Disadvantages of Learning Model IOC
Excess use of this IOC model is, students will easily get information of different and diverse at the same time. While the lack of implementation of the IOC model is in need of a large classroom, too long so that no concentration and misused for jokes, and complicated to do. Bibliography Anita Lie, 2008, Cooperative Learning: nice matin Practicing Cooperative Learning In Class Spaces, Jakarta: Grasindo. Read other articles too ...: Contextual nice matin Learning Rolling Cognitive Learning nice matin Strategies Learning Strategies Think Pair Share Contextual Learning Methods Inquiry Learning Model Learning Method Drill Jigsaw Cooperative nice matin Learning Model Think Talk Write (TTW) Research Problems Encountered A Problem Research Background Understanding Research Methods & Understanding Factor Analysis Research Methodology Definition and Types of Network Topology What is HTML? Creation Theory nice matin Planet Earth Category: Articles Tags: Bibliography, Advantages and Disadvantages of Learning Model IOC, Steps Learning Model IOC, Circle individual, nice matin Li

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